Condominium Corp Budgeting Made Simple

With Budgi, condo budgets that used to take days if not weeks to finalize, can now be done in an hour!

No More Spreadsheets!

With Budgi, creating a budget for your condominium corp has never been easier, and requires no need to keep updating your spreadsheet software. Just answer a few questions about your building, select the income and expense items from a list or insert your own unique items, and provide Budgi with the unit factors for your corporation. Before you know it your budget will be ready along with a schedule of the monthly fees due from your unit owners.

Save Your Budgets Online

Once you've created your first budget, Budgi will store your info in an account for your building so that future budgets can be made using that template. Simply change the budget year, make any changes to the values and you're ready to go! 

Budgi is a simplified, intuitive budget app for creating, storing and maintaining the annual budgets for condominium corporations, resident’s associations (RA) coops, strata and Homeowner Associations (HOA). Acknowledging that not every board member tasked with budget creation is proficient in the use of spreadsheet templates or software, or has the free time to learn them, Budgi provides a streamlined, consistent, automated process that makes it easy for non technical users to create and manage the budgets for their condo corp. Whether you are the board treasurer, a property manager or are a member of a home owners association, Budgi will make your life easier and will help ensure that your stakeholders receive a budget and fee schedule that is easy to read and consistent from year to year. No accounting knowledge is necessary, you’ll just need your by-laws, condominium plan and a copy of a previous year’s budget.